Essential Oils for Loss of Smell

If you’ve lost your sense of smell and are struggling with this new reality, you’ll be pleased to know it isn’t permanent. With some basic smell training, you can get back to living a normal life filled with fragrance and aroma!

Before Covid-19, Anosmia, or loss of smell, was probably not something that you heard of often. This condition is most commonly caused by a viral infection in the upper respiratory tract or a head injury.

With the rise of the novel Coronavirus, Anosmia has unfortunately become an issue for a large portion of our population.

The good news is that recent studies have proven that olfactory training can actually bring back your sense of smell! And it’s easy to boot.

Below, NIUXYS will cover everything you need to know about losing the ability to smell, and how you can regain it without any expensive doctor’s visits or surgery. We’ll highlight which essential oil products we recommend, and how you can actually go about using them. Let’s start with some background information on this condition.

What is Anosmia?

Anosmia a.k.a. smell blindness is the temporary or permanent loss of smell. It may be a partial loss (hyposmia) or complete loss, and it is, unfortunately, a major symptom of Covid-19.

It is reported that up to 80% of those who contracted the Coronavirus experience some loss of smell with many of them reporting it as their only symptom.

It is said that the virus may be indirectly damaging the olfactory nerve, but fortunately, it has great regenerative properties. About half of those suffering will regain their sense of smell in about 2 weeks, while an additional 40% will recover it in about 8 weeks.

Olfactory Training – Can You Really Use Essential Oils To Regain Your Sense Of Smell?

The term olfactory training otherwise known as smell training is the only therapy that has been shown to improve loss of smell at this time.

This treatment involves regularly and actively smelling fragrant materials (most often essential oils). Olfactory training was actually developed years ago by Thomas Hummel of Dresden University Faculty of Medicine.

He found that intentionally inhaling the 4 same scents twice a day through your nose for 10-30 seconds can greatly improve your sense of smell. The key to this protocol is to use scents that fall into four different specific categories. Let’s take a look at these four categories now.


The Four Scent Categories

Upon deciding to engage in smell training, you must choose Essential Oils from each specific chemical odorant. These are:

  • Phenyl ethyl alcohol
  • Citronellal 1
  • 8 cineole
  • Eugenol

These four unique categories have greatly differing attributes and compounds. Essentially, this includes a floral, fruity, resinous, and aromatic scent. To adequately retrain your smell, you need to draw on an essential oil that falls into each category.

The original kit created by the otolaryngologist includes Rose, Lemon, Eucalyptus, and Clove, but these can vary as long as they fall within that category. A less expensive alternative to Rose could be Ylang Ylang essential oil. You could also work cinnamon in if you’d like.


How To Actually Perform Smell Testing

Once you have chosen your 4 different Essential Oils, you can embark on your journey. The primary protocol in the experiment was 16 weeks long, but technically, you only need to continue until your sense of smell returns.

The exact timeline on this will vary from person to person – so don’t get frustrated if you don’t immediately regain your smell. You should see serious results within six weeks – but again, this varies on several factors.

Dedicate a few minutes every morning and night to your scent therapy. Simply take about 20 seconds to actively smell your oil and consciously think about the scent and all of the memories you have of that smell.

Then take a 10-second break before moving to the next oil. Continue through all 4 oils twice a day. If you find that basic smell training doesn’t help, you can follow a more structured regimen – such as the one listed below:


Step One – Activate Your Oils

Grab a cotton swab for each oil you’re going to be using – this should be a total of four cotton balls. Then, place a few drops of each oil on its respective ball or pad. Allow it to sit for a minute or two before proceeding to step two.

Step Two – Bring Your Oils To Your Nose

After a few moments, your oils should have absorbed into the cotton. You can then raise the cotton ball or pad up to within an inch of your nose, and slowly, naturally inhale the fragrance.

Step Three – Waft The Oil Away & Bring It Back A Few Times

After a few seconds of inhaling with the pad below your nose, move it away for a second – then bring it back and inhale some more. Repeat this wafting pattern a few times.

Step Four – Repeat With The Remaining Essential Oils

After you’ve completed each cotton ball, you can move on to the next. Keep in mind that you should be focusing on actually smelling each scent – actually identify it. Then, you’re ready to move onto the next – no sooner.


Final Thoughts On Using Essential Oils To Treat Loss Of Smell

It is so wonderful to know that a natural therapy such as olfactory training can actually retrain your nose. In most cases, this treatment is very successful, but please keep in mind that it is very important to speak with your doctor if symptoms persist.

If you’ve developed Covid 19, it could take longer than you’d expect to regain taste – along with the smell, which is closely linked.

However, we’re here to help you ensure your smell training is a success. When it comes to essential oils, there is no better place to shop than at Niuxys Essential Oils.

All our products are 100% therapeutic grade and designed to heal – not just smell good. If you’re in the market for clove, cinnamon, rose, lemon, or any other oils for that matter – you’ll find them on our site and at the best prices online, along with all your other aromatherapy needs!

We carry essential oil blends, carrier oil, diffusers, and even roll-on essential oils!

Not sure which specific oils are best for you? Don’t hesitate to reach out, and we’ll get you started on the right foot.


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