The Best Essential Oils for Allergies

Ah-choo! If allergies are causing you to do a lot of sniffling and sneezing, you are probably wondering what Essential Oils can help combat your symptoms naturally. Struggling with a seasonal stuffed up nose is no fun. Luckily, there are some great choices depending on the issues that you are experiencing. Here is a list of helpful Essential Oils for allergies. 

Eucalyptus radiata Essential Oil

When you are looking to clear your nasal passages fast, reach for this refreshing herbal oil. Eucalyptus can aid in opening airways and maintaining clear breathing. Allergies tend to cause a very congested head and chest, so inhaling Eucalyptus can really help to pave a path through the blockage and support healthy breathing.


Lavender Essential Oil

Allergies are most often caused by a histamine reaction. Lavender Essential Oil actually works as an anti-inflammatory and an antihistamine. This is incredibly beneficial for calming the negative response and improving the allergic reaction.


Lemon Essential Oil

This one may surprise you, but don’t be fooled by Lemon’s fruity nature. This zesty oil is also natural antihistamine which may calm excess mucus. Lemon also supports drainage, so this could be helpful in thinning and draining a snotty nose. Additionally, this oil is an antibacterial, so it may actually reduce allergens in the air.


NIUXYS Calm Synergy Essential Oil

If you are feeling very stuffy and congested, NIUXYS CALM Synergy Blend is a perfect choice for you. This synergy is created with a blend of oils that fight inflammation and help to clean out blocked passageways. Diffuse or inhale to help keep mucus build up at bay.


Peppermint Essential Oil

If you want strong, fresh, and minty relief, Peppermint Essential Oil is the oil for you! This powerful decongestant opens sinuses almost immediately and eases inflammation fast. Just one sniff of Peppermint provides healthy lung support and clear breathing.


Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea Tree is a tough bacteria buster so this means it can help to destroy pathogens that cause allergies. Using this cleansing oil in your home can aid in killing mold or fungus that can cause an allergic response.


Basil Essential Oil

This little known oil is actually a very helpful tool for boosting the immune system and removing toxins from the body. Basil Essential Oil may ease inflammatory responses that are caused by allergens, keeping symptoms away. In addition, this herbal oil assists the respiratory system.

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